Swash Ball is not intended to be played on soft, fluffy sand. The balls need to roll which means you need to find a SMOOTH, SLIGHTLY ANGLED PART OF THE BEACH for optimum play.
1) Using the heel of your foot, make a trench with one end pointing towards the ocean and the other end pointing inland. Players stand behind this "line" as they role the balls toward the holes. Also, the trench can be used to store the balls not yet in play.
2) Walking straight ahead from the player line (parallel to the ocean), pace off 10-feet and use the largest hole guide to make the first hole (10-points). Twisting the hole guide back and forth, insert it into the sand until the top of the hole guide is flush with the sand.
3) Remove the sand inside the hole guide. If you cannot insert the hole guide until it is flush, continue applying pressure as you twist the hole back and forth and remove the sand as you go. Once the guide is flush, smooth out the sand around the perimeter to ensure balls travel smoothly. Also, once the hole guide is flush and inserted, it remains in the sand until the conclusion of the game.
4) Repeating the previous steps, pace off three feet past the 10-point hole and use the medium-sized hole guide to make hole #2 (20-points). Lastly, pace off three more feet and insert the smallest hole (Auto Win). All three holes should be
in a straight line and remain in the sand
throughout the entirety of the game.
5) Lastly, use the heel of your foot to make a shallow trench on the side of the holes closest to the ocean. The trench should be at least a few feet away from the holes, starting a few feet before hole #1 and extending a few feet past hole #3. For best results, curve it around the Auto Win hole. The purpose of the trench is to stop any stray ball that misses its target. As a reminder, the play area should be slightly angled for optimum play and the
sand should be flat, not fluffy.
Swash Ball is designed for 2 or 4 players. In a two player game there are no teams (player one vs. player two). In a four-player game, it's two against two. You can play with three players as well but you will have to pay closer attention to keeping score since players will be sharing similar colored balls.
Standing behind the player line, take turns rolling the balls toward the holes. You can aim for any hole at any point in the game. When players are done rolling, total up the points scored, retrieve the balls and repeat until there is a winner.
Making it in the first hole is worth 10 points and the second hole is worth 20 points. If you are lucky enough to make it in the third hole, congrats you just scored an automatic win! But here is some friendly advice from the creators of Swash Ball…only go for this hole if you feel like you need to play catch up.
If there is no automatic win, the first team or individual player to reach 100 points wins the game. You DO NOT have to hit 100 points exactly to win. There is no canceling of points if opponents roll balls in the same hole.
1) Move all the holes closer to the player line (i.e. instead of the closest hole being 10-feet away, make it 8-feet away). Consequently, the middle hole will be 11-feet away and the auto win 14-feet. Feel free to make your own distances as well... especially if your little ones want to play!
1) State that the winner has to hit 100 points exactly.
2) Cancel out points if opposing players/teams make the same amount of balls in the same hole during a round.
3) It's best to remove any shells or indentations in the sand along the pathways to the holes. But you may consider leaving some obstacles as that will certainly add to the excitment (and heartache) of the game!
4) It can be a challenge to score points with the holes at the suggested distances. But if you're the competitive type, consider moving the holes farther from the player line (i.e. 12-feet, 15-feet and 18-feet, respectively).
Playing Swash Ball, the next BREAK-THRU beach game in Hilton Head